
Showing posts from June, 2013

Of Alfred Hitchcock and Silent Movies

I am admittedly not an Alfred Hitchcock fan.   I blame it on the movies The Birds and Psycho .  I know that they are both  classics, but really, what kind of mind thinks up something as odd and demented as a town being violently attacked by a bunch of black birds?  Or, a guy who takes orders from his dead mother?  Seriously.  I am also not a big fan of silent movies.  Well, actually, I have never sat through and watched a silent movie.  I've only seen snippets here and there.  Those snippets did not entice me at all.  I find that the facial expressions of the characters are cheesy, and while I am not  a grand conversationalist myself, I still prefer to hear my entertainment, instead of reading expressions.  Regardless of all of the above , the film that I am about to review is not only an Alfred Hitchcock movie, but a silent one at that.  The film's name is The Lodger .  It was released in 1927 and was one of Hitchcock's first movies.  The story takes place in London an