
Showing posts from October, 2016

Secrets of Charm - A Social Experiment

Do you ever feel like the world that we live in today is, I don't know, crass and somewhat uncivilized? That maybe the lines between men and women have been blurred, just slightly? (Trust me, I'm all for women's rights, equal pay, etc... but can't we still be women?) Maybe you just feel like you were meant to be born in a different time. If you have said yes to any of these questions then I am willing to bet that on some level, you and I are kindred spirits.  When I was growing up, my heroes were my Grandma, my Granny, my mom and my aunts. I've always liked the practicality of old time ways and sometimes, even the glamour of the 40's and 50's. Not that life was necessarily glamorous for any of the matriarchs in my family. They were farmers wives and daughters. Nothing glamorous about that. When they did fix up for company, church and other family outings though, they were gorgeous. In my eyes they were anyway. I've looked at pictures of one of my aunts