
Showing posts from April, 2013

Random 1st Blog in 3yrs. Ramblings

Today is the first time that I have blogged since 2010.  So, yeah, it's been a while.  We'll see if we can make a go of it this time. So, here I am, writing a blog and watching HG TV's Extreme Homes.  While I'm not totally against having an extreme home, at this point, I just want an organized home.  I am a random person with a short attention span.  My personal experience is that those of us who are random with short attention spans have a very difficult time keeping up with things.  Things like a toothbrush, tax returns, and the time.  I have read many books on organizing and homemaking.  They were fun to read, but not terribly helpful.  Why?  Because the people who wrote these books are born organized and don't understand why people like me can see a sock on the floor and walk over it for an entire week before I pick it up.  To be honest, I don't understand it either.  It makes perfect, common sense to pick the sock up and put it in the dirty clothes hampe