Random 1st Blog in 3yrs. Ramblings

Today is the first time that I have blogged since 2010.  So, yeah, it's been a while.  We'll see if we can make a go of it this time.

So, here I am, writing a blog and watching HG TV's Extreme Homes.  While I'm not totally against
having an extreme home, at this point, I just want an organized home.  I am a random person with a short attention span.  My personal experience is that those of us who are random with short attention spans have a very difficult time keeping up with things.  Things like a toothbrush, tax returns, and the time.  I have read many books on organizing and homemaking.  They were fun to read, but not terribly helpful.  Why?  Because the people who wrote these books are born organized and don't understand why people like me can see a sock on the floor and walk over it for an entire week before I pick it up.  To be honest, I don't understand it either.  It makes perfect, common sense to pick the sock up and put it in the dirty clothes hamper.  But, I digress.  This is where the Flylady system comes in.  I read the book, and I get email reminders from the website.  This system bases organization on doing little bitty baby steps each day, that build into routines.  For instance, my baby steps for this week are: 1)Keep dishes clean & my kitchen sink shiny 2)wipe down toilet and bathroom sink every a.m. 3) make my bed 4) do 1 load of laundry every day, which includes drying and putting up.  Along with the baby steps, I will work for just 15 minutes a day organizing a room.  This week will be the kitchen.   So, I am officially starting this "experiment" in organizing this week, starting tonight.  I'll see how it goes and document my victories(and possible failings), here. 

In other news, I bought a new mattress and had my first taste of mussels this weekend.  The mattress experience was not fun.  I didn't realize that mattress sales people were just as aggressive as car sales people.  I also didn't realize how expensive mattresses were.  However, I finally found a pillow top mattress that looks as if it added half a foot to the height of my bed, and at a good price.  The only drawback is, now my mattress is too high for my dog, Betsy to jump onto.  I have steps for her to walk up, but who wants to walk up steps when you can take a flying leap?  Not me and not Betsy, either, apparently. 

The first taste of mussels was not a bad experience.  It wasn't anything to write home about either.  Mussels are just "ok".  Well, now I know.


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