My Jounals, How I Journal and Five Journaling Prompts

I love to write and I especially love to journal! I have journals for just about everything, from a dream journal to my Chuck It List journal. I use all of them, too.  Some I use every day and some just a few times a week. Below is a picture of my journals and I'll describe each one for you. (I am so excited to share this with you!) 
From left to right, these are my journals: dream journal, My Future Listography, blog journal, Love Never Fails is my daily journal, my goals journal, prayer journal, devotional journal, Wreck This Journal (so fun!), The Chuck It List.

My dream journal is just that. A journal that I record my dreams in. I dream a lot (and in color), but I don't always remember my dreams. Sometimes, I don't want to. There are times, though, that I do. I've dreamed of stories and poems that I wish I had written down as soon as I woke up. Now I can.

My Future Listography is a book that I bought that has loads of lists for one to fill out. Most of those lists I have never thought of, but they are fun! One of the topics is list the the changes that you would like to see in the world. Another is list the bad habits that you need to quit. There are tons of other list topics that really make you think! 

My regular, daily journal (Love Never Fails cover), has every day happenings, what I'm feeling, etc... After reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts, I have started keeping a daily record of things to be thankful for. My goal is to reach 1,000 things to be thankful for and then I'll start over. This is a great way to look for things to be thankful for every day. I've started writing my list of things to be thankful for in the morning. It seems like it makes my day a little more joyful.

The blue journal is a gift from a friend of mine with specific instructions to write down my goals and dreams. I have everything in there from learning how to surf to how I'd like to decorate my bathroom. 

Next is my prayer journal. I have started taking the time every morning to write down my morning prayers. It's like writing a letter to God every morning. I just unburden my heart to Him because He is truly the only one that I can do that to. I also use this system, ACTS, to help my prayers be more specific.  ACTS stands for Adoration of God, Confession to God, Thanksgiving and Supplication. Of course, there are days when I can just write "Help Lord", and I trust that He understands.

Starting the last row, the grayish green book, is my devotional journal. I always write the scripture the devotion is centered around for that morning. I also write down a significant quote from the devotion itself, as well as the days title. Sometimes, I go back and reread entries from past devotions. 

Then there is the fun little journal called Wreck This Journal. It's a journal that gives one prompts to, well, wreck it. One page is for fruit stickers, one page is to tear out of the journal, stick it in your jean or shirt pocket  wash and dry it, then put it back in the journal.  There is also a page to put random stamps on. There are lots of different unusual prompts in this journal, which, I find helps me with the creative process. 

The last journal is The Chuck It List. It is a list journal that is the exact opposite of My Future Listography. These are lists of things that you are never going to do, basically, because you don't want to. Under hairstyles that I'll never have, I put a mohawk. There are all kinds of list prompts like this and they crack me up. I get a good laugh every time I write in this journal. 

Yes, I do have a lot of journals but I love and use them all.  You don't have to have as many journals as I do. You can have one big notebook for everything, if you want, and it doesn't have to be expensive. Composition books are perfect for journaling and sometimes you can get those for less than a dollar at Wal-Mart. It's not important what type of journal you have, what matters is that you actually write in it. If you don't know what to write, below are 5 journaling prompts that will get you started. 

1. What was your first day of school like? How did you feel? What were the sights, sounds, smells of that day?
2. What is on your heart right now, that you need to give to God? Write a letter to Him and unburden your heart.
3. List 5 things that you are thankful for today.
4. List 5 things that you would like to learn how to do.
5. What did you want to be when you were a little kid? Did you want to be several things? If so, list them all.

I hope this blog has encouraged you to pick up a pen and paper and start journaling for yourself. Journaling is a great stress reliever, helps with creativity and I think just an overall great thing to do. 

Happy journaling! 

C'ya next time!


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