Music, Music, Music!

A few years ago (maybe 3 or 4), one of my best friends and I had a standing, weekly date with Spin Street.  Spin Street is a music & movie store.  Memphians will probably remember it as a former Goldsmith's Department Store, many years ago.  Spin Street has cd's, of course, but also, a lot of vinyl as well.  Anyway, back to the story at hand.  Spin Street used to have a couple of rows of used or hard to "sell" cd's.  They ranged in price from $1-$5.  Best friend and I would comb through the cd's and look for anything that looked unusually good, even if we had never heard of the artist.  Anyway, we did this for several months and probably spent much more money than we should have on music.  We had a great time, though.  And the sales staff got to know us pretty well. 
So, I came up with a somewhat brilliant idea.  I am going to listen to every single cd that I bought from Spin Street and do a review of them, right here, on my blog.  I am brilliant, aren't I? 
The first cd that I listened all the way through, is Finest Hour by Jackopierce.  According to Wikipedia, Jackopierce is "an American alternative rock band formed by Jack O'Neill and Cary Pierrce in Dallas, Texas in 1988. Their style is focused around vocal harmonies and acoustic guitars".  Well, they do have the vocal harmonies and acoustic guitar down pretty well.  However, some of their lyrical content leaves much to be desired.  Not that it's bad, just kind of sappy.  Okay, really sappy.  I'm not a terribly sappy person, but if you are, you might like it.  Also, to me, it didn't sound like the alternative rock that some of us  listened to in the 90's.  That may, or may not be a good thing, depending on your love of 90's music alternative rock. (That's an aside). It didn't make my ears bleed, though.  I will probably listen to the cd every one in a while.  My favorite songs on the album are, "Finest Hour", "Vineyard" and "Is It the Sun".  Since, I paid less that $5, I would say it wasn't such a bad cd.  Oh, just a random, I don't know, thingy.  On the back of the cd booklet it says "This record is dedicated to Wolfgang for pulling through".  I don't know who Wolfgang is, or what it was he pulled through; but, I bet that he's tickled pink to have an album dedicated to him.  I know that I would be.


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