Avon's mark. Products

I'm back after a long illness. I'm so glad that I'm feeling better because, quite frankly, being ill is not on the my list of Top 10 Things to go through. At. All. Especially, when it takes 2 rounds of antibiotics and your doctor tells you that he's just trying to keep you out of the hospital. (I have a great doctor, by the way, and he did keep me out of the hospital). Okay, enough about me and my health issues. Let's get right into the FUN products that Avon's mark. division has. These are great!

The first product that I want to talk about is mark.'s Touch and Glow. 

Touch and Glow has two different color compacts: Pearly Glow (which is what I use) and Coral Glow. There are nine complimentary shades in each collection, and they  are great for ALL skin tones. No color match is required! Just pick out which palette you like the best! 

Seriously, if you only have one makeup item in your purse, this should be it! Why do I say this? Well, I use the Pearly Glow compact and I use it for a highlight, eye shadow, blush - whatever I need for the day! Swirl these colors together for an all over glow, then choose one or two for eye shadow and you have a beautifully coordinated look. I truly, truly love mark. Touch and Glow and I believe that you will, too.

You can purchase mark. Touch and Glow here:

I would now like to introduce you to mark.'s newest item, the mark. Clique It Compact. Have you ever had an eye shadow palette where you only used one or two shadows? Not anymore! Choose your favorite colors, drop them into the compact and you're good to go! This is also a GREAT entry product into the mark. line. 

You can purchase mark. Clique It Compact here:

Of course, you can buy many more these and many more items at my e store, youravon.com/sharonrhodes

By the way, Mother's Day is coming up! Check out my e store for great gift ideas for Mom! 

Have a great evening! 

Till next time!


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