It's the start of a new month that is almost in the middle of a new year. Maybe it's time that I started working on one of my New Year's Resolutions; the age old "get in shape" resolution. Yes, I know that many people start out well then fizzle out about this time of year. I've done that too. This year, though, I haven't even started on this resolution. I'm doing well on reading 3 books a month, though. (More about that later).

I have Hashimoto's disease, and believe you me, when I'm not taking care of myself, I can tell it. The past two weeks have been especially difficult physically and emotionally. I take full responsibility for these past two weeks too. I have not taken care of myself at all and I know better.  Due to Hashimoto's, my face and neck have swollen, my energy level the lowest that I've had in a long time and just a general all over crummy feeling. I've got to do better and I know how to do better. When one knows better, then one should do better, right?

My goal for this month is to get back to walking 30 minutes a day. Since my metabolism is at a crawl right now, gentle, low impact cardio is what my body needs. Right now, I don't feel like I need to do any other type of exercise. (Even though, after seeing Carrie Underwood's legs on the ACM's tonight, I am so tempted to start doing leg workouts. Maybe next month). I know myself well enough to realize that if I start too much at once, I will not finish/keep up with anything. I love walking! It's my favorite work out and it's one that I have been able to stay consistent with, for the most part anyway. My other goal is to consistently take my thyroid medication the correct way as well as drink my Plexus Slim daily.  The Slim keeps my energy up, which in turn, makes my mood a little less dark. I don't like "dark Sharon" at all. If I can do these things, I'm hoping that I will feel better and if I feel better, I can take care of those around me better too.

What are you reading right now? As I said earlier, I'm on track with my reading resolutions. I have already started reading my April selection of books. I can read three or four books at a time. It's like switching the channels on a tv; you know, watch one show, turn to another show, etc... These are the books that I am reading this month:
The Broken Way, by Ann Voskamp
Mary Jane's Outpost, by Mary Jane Butters
Rock Your Network Marketing Business, by Sarah Robbins
I have started reading all of these books and I'm excited to really get into the heart of them! These were all purchased from Amazon.

This month, I will also be enjoying the poetry of Emily Dickinson. She is without a doubt, one of my favorite poets. She was somewhat of a recluse and probably never thought that she would inspire anyone, but she has inspired me. Here is one of my favorite poems from her:

I’m Nobody! Who are you? (260)

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –  
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –  
To an admiring Bog!

If you'd like to read more about Emily Dickinson, you can go here

Till next time.


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