
Showing posts from 2017

Joy Comes in the Morning - I'm Counting On It

It's been a rough summer, no doubt. Not for me personally, but for the world, our country and for many individuals that I know . It seems like every day there is a new reason for a heavy heart. I don't think that I'm the only one who feels this way, either. I might be super sensitive. A friend once told me that I just cared too much about everything. (She's right, and many times I wish that I didn't). I think many in our country are feeling the same way that I do, though. There have been natural disasters everywhere in the world, horrible, senseless violence and we humans are really good at demonizing those who we don't agree with. There have been many times that I have been thankful to believe in the sovereignty of God. There have been just as many times that I have been a doubter, a skeptic even, of His goodness. In fact, this week has been one of those times.  I'm not going to pretend that I have all of the answers. Lately, the answers that I thought w

Avon Specials and June '17 Favorites!

We're in the second week of July and June is just a memory. Summer is definitely here in Memphis, TN. The temps are high and the humidity is higher. It's like walking out of ones home into a sauna sometimes.  Avon's Campaign 16 is well underway and I'll be turning in an order on Monday, July 17th. Let me tell you about what we have going on at Avon this time around. Anew has some great cleansers and a great cleansing brush to use them with.  Anew's Cleansing Brush is a gentle brush that cleanses without pulling the skin. It's like having a mini facial massage every time you use it. It is easy to use and easy to travel with. The cleansing brush is battery operated with 2 AA batteries. Guess what? It is on sale for only $24.99! The regular price is $40, so this is a great savings! The next product that you might be interested in is Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus. This is the time of year for bugs and unfortunately, some of these bugs (mosquitos) carry the Z

My Jounals, How I Journal and Five Journaling Prompts

I love to write and I especially love to journal! I have journals for just about everything, from a dream journal to my Chuck It List journal. I use all of them, too.  Some I use every day and some just a few times a week. Below is a picture of my journals and I'll describe each one for you. (I am so excited to share this with you!)  From left to right, these are my journals: dream journal, My Future Listography, blog journal, Love Never Fails is my daily journal, my goals journal, prayer journal, devotional journal, Wreck This Journal (so fun!), The Chuck It List. My dream journal is just that. A journal that I record my dreams in. I dream a lot (and in color), but I don't always remember my dreams. Sometimes, I don't want to. There are times, though, that I do. I've dreamed of stories and poems that I wish I had written down as soon as I woke up. Now I can. My Future Listography is a book that I bought that has loads of lists for one to fill out. Most of those

A Few Things Every Woman Should Know How To Do

This blog isn't what you might think it is, neither is it exhaustive. It's not a slam against men, a commentary on feminism or an "anything you can do I can do better" attitude. (I do like that song though). It is born out of experiences in which I had to learn how to do some of these things in a hurry, as well as things on my list that I need to learn.  From my experiences, knowing how to do some of these things is just common sense. I've heard it said that common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden. I can honestly say that common sense hasn't always grown in my garden, so I can't talk about anyone else. Thankfully, I have learned a little bit over the years and I would like to share some of this knowledge. Okay, here we go. 1. Change a Flat Tire I learned how to fix a flat tire on a highway, in the pouring rain while big rigs were flying by me. This was not an ideal situation and it was scary. My family and I were on our way

Avon's mark. Products

I'm back after a long illness. I'm so glad that I'm feeling better because, quite frankly, being ill is not on the my list of Top 10 Things to go through. At. All. Especially, when it takes 2 rounds of antibiotics and your doctor tells you that he's just trying to keep you out of the hospital. (I have a great doctor, by the way, and he did keep me out of the hospital). Okay, enough about me and my health issues. Let's get right into the FUN products that Avon's mark. division has. These are great! The first product that I want to talk about is mark.'s Touch and Glow.  Touch and Glow has two different color compacts: Pearly Glow (which is what I use) and Coral Glow. There are nine complimentary shades in each collection, and they  are great for ALL skin tones. No color match is required! Just pick out which palette you like the best!  Seriously, if you only have one makeup item in your purse, this should be it! Why do I say this? Well, I use th

Spring Is Here and Summer Is Coming! Avon Deals & Steals

It's warm here in the river city and if it's like any other year, spring will become hot really soon. The weather man just said 80 degrees on Wednesday! I don't know about y'all, but I'll take warm weather over cold weather any day. Thankfully, it doesn't get too terribly cold here in Memphis even though it might seem that way to those of us who are not used to temps being below 40.  The warmer weather makes the kids in my neighborhood stay out later at night, playing. I just jumped up from my chair to see if what I was hearing were screams of fun or screams of help. They are screams of fun and I shouldn't have worried at all. I enjoy hearing the kids play around outside.It reminds me of the  later spring and summer nights  playing tag or riding my bike until it was too dark to see. If it was the weekend, mom let us stay out a little after dark in the backyard so my sister and I could catch lightening bugs. I can remember chasing those sparkling lights
It's the start of a new month that is almost in the middle of a new year. Maybe it's time that I started working on one of my New Year's Resolutions; the age old "get in shape" resolution. Yes, I know that many people start out well then fizzle out about this time of year. I've done that too. This year, though, I haven't even started on this resolution. I'm doing well on reading 3 books a month, though. (More about that later). I have Hashimoto's disease, and believe you me, when I'm not taking care of myself, I can tell it. The past two weeks have been especially difficult physically and emotionally. I take full responsibility for these past two weeks too. I have not taken care of myself at all and I know better.  Due to Hashimoto's, my face and neck have swollen, my energy level the lowest that I've had in a long time and just a general all over crummy feeling. I've got to do better and I know how to do better. When one knows be